Manufacturer profile
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MIROMICO is an innovative and leading Swiss high-tech company based in Zurich.
Name / Legal form: Miromico AG
Headquarters: Zurich / Switzerland
History: MIROMICO is an innovative and leading Swiss high-tech company based in Zurich. The company specializes in the development of integrated circuits (IC), electronic systems and products for the Internet-of-Things (IoT).
Year of foundation: 2002
Division / Area: Integrated Circuits (IC), Wireless Modules, IoT Devices
Line-Up: LoRaWAN Modules, GPS Tracking Solutions, intelligent Gateways, Sensors and customised Solutions for the IoT
Typical applications: Traffic management / traffic telematics, parking management, access control, energy data collection, smoke detectors, alarm systems, industrial trucks, wireless networking of greenhouses / cool chains / production facilities, laboratory equipment, medial devices, fleet and transportation management, public safety vehicle solutions.