Useful to Know Who to Contact if You have any Questions...

Over 40 Years of MCU First-Class Premium SUPPORT

High-quality, complex products also require high-quality SUPPORT.

Worldwide, there are around 50,000 different microcontroller derivatives and an estimated 10,000 hardware and software development tools supplied by the microcontroller manufacturers on the market.

Each hardware manual contains over 1,200 pages of information.

The software manual contains another 1,500 pages.

  • Which controller has a future, even if it might fi t the application?
  • Which tool package is within my budget and is most suited to my requirements?
  • How can I successfully and rapidly integrate the necessary peripherals, such as displays, sensors, motion control, connectivity or memory?

Here you require an experienced and reliable pathfi nder to lead you through the MCU jungle. And the right SUPPORT is just as important as the product! We at GLYN have been offering you know-how in the field of microcontrollers, tools and peripherals since 1980 and have the best contacts with our suppliers. In so doing, we focus on selected microcontroller manufacturers with extended hardware and software SUPPORT from 3rd party providers.

Find current webinars and workshops here.

Quickly get up and running:
Starter Kit with tools

Benefit from our Starter Kit offers, including comprehensive software packages. Here we primarily use "Umbrella" types which cover multiple devices of the respective product family. Most tools are in-house developments from by our application engineers. These clever solutions incorporate both experience and a passion for detail, so that you can get started quickly and easily.

Webinars and Workshops Provide Guidance

We also offer appropriate training courses for our products at our GLYN Academy. The focus is not only on the microcontrollers here. We can provide SUPPORT and active training in the hardware and software tools as well as selected peripherals.

Adapter Board Solutions and Reference Designs

We can offer special proprietary adapter board solutions and reference designs for displays (graphic and audio), communication, drive technology and sensors. You can install these and use them directly in your application. You therefore move from the product idea to the prototype within a very short space of time.


Wireless, IoT & Mikrocontroller

+49 6126 590-255